REGENERA Research Group

International Journal of Inflammation, Cancer and Integrative Therapy

Statin Use Prior to Diagnosis Predicts High Risk Features in Early Stage Endometriosis Endometrial Cancer


Author(s): Dr. Ruth D Stephenson

There is increasing evidence that statin use decreases the incidence and improves
survival of gynecologic malignancies, but the role in endometrial cancer (EC) has
not been defined. Our primary aim is to investigate statin use and its association
with high intermediate risk (HIR) features in early stage EC. We hypothesize those
women who develop early stage EC while taking statins have less aggressive
features on pathology at the time of hysterectomy. Our secondary aim is to
determine if concurrent use of other medications demonstrating anti-cancer effects;
metformin, NSAIDs and bisphosphonates may reduce the risk of development of
HIR early stage EC.