REGENERA Research Group

International Journal of Inflammation, Cancer and Integrative Therapy

Critiquing Immunity: Perspectives from Nature Reviews Immunology



This comprehensive review, published in "Nature Reviews Immunology," presents a critical evaluation of recent advancements and persisting challenges in the field of immunology. Drawing upon a wide array of research articles and expert opinions, the review focuses on the multi-faceted aspects of immune system functioning, encompassing innate and adaptive immunity, and the interplay between environmental factors and genetic predispositions in immune responses. Key areas of discussion include the latest insights into the molecular mechanisms of immune cell activation and regulation, with a particular emphasis on the roles of T-cells, B-cells, and various cytokines in managing immune responses. The review also delves into the dynamics of the microbiome and its profound influence on immune system modulation, highlighting groundbreaking research on gut-immune system interactions.