REGENERA Research Group

International Journal of Inflammation, Cancer and Integrative Therapy

Children with Chronic Asthma Have a Significant Sensitization to Multiple Aeroallergens: A Prospective Study in 74 Children


Author(s): Cantani A

Background: Recent evidence suggests that exposure to high levels of allergen during early life might contribute to the increasing prevalence of allergic disease. A high incidence of Der p allergen was found in early infancy as a risk factor for developing asthma.

Materials and methods: We have randomly recruited 37 children with chronic asthma (CA) and 37 with episodic asthma (EA) and evaluated clinical manifestations, skin prick tests (SPT), RAST and spirometry results. All children were studied at baseline and at three-month intervals. The follow-up was 12 months. Informed consent was obtained from parents of each child. Data were analysed with the X2-test.

Results: We report the significant differences between CA and EA children. CA children had in addition, compared to EA children significant early onset of symptoms, delayed diagnosis, and poorer spirometry results.

Discussion: Among the significant results, we stress that positive family history is as always a potent determinant of atopy. A strong influence of environmental factors on the development of severe asthma is demonstrated by the significant prevalence in the CA children of maternal smoke during pregnancy, parental smoke, damp houses, and viral infections. While the prevalence of bottle-feeding corresponds to an equal number of breastfed children in either group, we emphasize that a substantial difference is the greater number of CA children sensitized to multiple inhalant allergens.